Vecchia Bottega Maiolicara

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In their "pendeche" ( in maiolicari's lessic means place of work) nothing seems to be scratched by the sign of ages. In the guided tour of the artist-craftmen, you will see a still intact a water mill for the enamels' crushing , an ancient oven for the cooking of the manufacts, a "nu furnacelle" for the calcification of metal oxides, un lathe, a basin for the decantation of the clay and many more tools, evidences of a past which we still admire the products.  Di Simone, infact, didn't want to sacrifice the tradiction. Every fase of the work, from forming to shaping, from the composition of the enamels (Vincenzo does this work) to the decoration,entrusted to Antonio, are made manually, according to a tradiction which riproduce the ancient gests of maiolicari. In addition to the beautiful landscapes of the '600 and '700, there are mythologic decorations , idyllic pastoral scenes Renaissance-style, drawn with classic colors of the castellan palette.

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